Entwined Fiber and Wire

When I chose the name “Entwined” I was considering the treatment of both the fiber that I spin, weave and felt, and the wire that I twist, bend and weave.  After deciding on the name I put some thought into how appropriate it actually describes my life of fiber.  My family member’s lives and the lives of the animals that we raise on our small farm are definitely entwined.

On our farm we keep alpaca, llamas, angora goats and angora rabbits and use their fiber to create beautiful works of art.  Our animals are never harmed for their fiber.  I shear the angora goats twice per year, the llamas and alpaca once per year and the rabbits are brushed for their fiber.

Fiber Arts and Wearables

Fiber is donated by my llamas, alpacas, angora rabbits or angora goats.  Merino wool hand-felted hats and various other fiber products are available as well.

Raw Fiber for Spinning and Felting

Raw, unwashed angora rabbit fiber in various colors.  Picked and carded llama and alpaca fiber in batts, various colors.

Entwined Wire Arts

Wire-wrapped stones and fossils with hand-woven Viking weave chains.

Visit the Square Store below for more information and available products

Private Lessons?

Contact me for private or small group lessons at my home studio.

Prepping Fiber (picking, carding)


Wet Felting

Needle Felting

Weaving on a rigid heddle loom

Questions? Email me for more information

Visit my Square Online Store

My Square Online Store will have the current inventory of items for sale as well as the opportunity for you to custom design your own product.

4 days ago

Entwined Fiber and Wire
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Me in my Viking garb (plus alpaca hat) and Franklin with the guys from The Wellermen band! ... See MoreSee Less
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Franklin and I took whimsical professional photos yesterday. The one with the banner they are also going to make as a flag for my booth! ... See MoreSee Less
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At Sherwood Forest Faire, come visit Franklin and me! And another satisfied customer! ... See MoreSee Less
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Franklin and I will be at Sherwood Forest Faire this weekend demonstrating spinning. Find us outside the Old Vine Shoppe next to the Escape Room. ... See MoreSee Less
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